RTO Training Packages: Your Guide to Choosing the Right One

Aspiring trainers looking to kickstart their career or upgrade their qualifications are often faced with the challenge of choosing the right Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and training package to enroll in. With an overwhelming number of options available, it can be difficult to navigate through the maze of choices and find the best fit for your career goals and interests. In this article, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide on RTO training packages , including what they are, how to choose the right one and the benefits they offer. What are RTO Training Packages? RTO Training Packages are nationally recognised sets of competencies, skills, and knowledge required to perform a specific job or task. They are developed by Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) in consultation with industry experts and stakeholders, and are used by RTOs to design and deliver training programs that lead to nationally recognised qualifications. RTO Training Packages are designed to be fl...